5 Easy Steps to Achieve TOTAL Nervous System Regulation

Do you ever have those days when you just feel like you’ve lost control? 

Trust me, I’ve been there, too. 

The littlest issue can trigger an enormous stress response, leaving us frustrated, irritable, scattered, and totally dysregulated. 

Your heart rate increases,

Your breathing shallows,

Your muscles tense up, 

And nothing seems to help you feel better. 

Our bodies are designed to respond to stress through our sympathetic nervous system. But it’s up to us to learn how to manage this stress response so it doesn’t take over our lives. 

Even though I now work as a Holistic Practitioner, I once struggled severely with regulating my nervous system.

I would have these episodes where the smallest trigger negatively impacted my entire day.

And these feelings of stress with a dysregulated nervous system translate into every aspect of our lives. 

That’s why working towards total nervous system regulation can help you heal, thrive, and evolve in all areas of your life..

What’s So Important About Nervous System Regulation?

Because a dysregulated nervous system impacts every part of our life– physically, emotionally, mentally, and even spiritually– the more regulated we are, the smoother our lives can be. 

When working to achieve total body regulation, it’s essential to look at the body holistically. This means paying attention to every part as it works together– from breathing to eating, to our mental awareness, to our sensations. 

It’s a way to see our body through a new lens and be more present to avoid stress responses. 

But just a reminder before we dive into the tips– understand that no one is completely regulated all the time. 

I’ve been on my journey for over 15 years, and I’ve come a long way. But there still are times when my dysregulated nervous system doesn’t want to do the work to be in regulation. 

And that’s ok

We’ll never be able to control the external factors that come up in life. But we can come back to nervous system regulation when the world around us feels chaotic.

So, now let’s discuss exactly how we can reach this state of awareness in our body, and what we can do to easily achieve total nervous system regulation. 

5 Easy Steps to Achieving Total Nervous System Regulation 

Nervous system regulation helps us react more positively to events in our day-to-day lives. But before we get started, I want you to know that practicing regulation won’t always feel comfortable. 

Give yourself permission to be present with the experiences your body is having. 

1. Breathing and the Awareness of Being in Your Body 

Next time you’re feeling like your stress response is about to kick in, try to ground into what’s happening around you.

Look around. What is pleasant? Scan your surroundings, take in what you see, and connect with the things that are in your field of vision. Don’t try to change anything externally. Just observe, and practice breathing. 

Breathe in deep from your low diaphragm, and out through your nostrils.

Diaphragmatic breathing has been shown to increase attention, improve the mind-body connection, and decrease cortisol levels.1

Simply breathing is a grounding practice that reduces our stress response. And it may seem boring, but this means you’re doing it right! 

Our world is full of distractions, chaos, and constant to-dos. 

But sitting in stillness and breathing helps activate the parasympathetic nervous system in your body, which we need to slow things down.

2. Gentle Movement and Body Touch

Simple movements can make a profound impact on how you’re feeling, especially if you’re sitting at work or hunched over at a desk. 

Look over one shoulder, then look over the other shoulder. Look at things in your line of sight that bring you joy or peace. 

This simple practice stimulates our vagus nerve, slowing our system down. Research indicates that vagal tone in the body helps regulate our stress response, so even simple movements like stretching can contribute to improving symptoms of stress and anxiety.2 

You can even stretch your neck from side to side, or massage your neck, in front of your ear, and at your jaw. This practice can quickly relieve any tension you may be holding. 

We sometimes think that constantly being active is keeping us in regulation since we’re always moving, but this is not the case

We get into regulation by doing nothing. And learning to be alone with ourselves is one of the best things we can do. 

3. Healing Your Sleep

Doing work to heal sleep not only helps your body achieve nervous system regulation, but it also works to regulate hormones, improve diet, and of course enhance mood. 

The better I sleep, the better I take care of my body. I feel happier and more energized, I eat better because my body isn’t craving sweets or snacks, and I’m a more pleasant person to be around.

Studies show that short sleep duration is associated with a lower level of parasympathetic activation and higher levels of sympathetic activation– which is our stress response system.3

Less sleep leads to more stress, so taking charge of our sleep is one of the best things we can commit to for total nervous system regulation. 

Follow a consistent sleep-wake cycle, and make sure to prioritize healthy and deep sleep to keep your nervous system regulated. 

4. Mindfulness and Meditation

Being more mindful and aware of our thoughts helps prevent overthinking and improves the connection to our physical body.

Our thoughts impact our bodies. So learning to meditate is one of the greatest ways we can slow down our minds and help our bodies avoid stressful responses. 

Neuroimaging studies show that meditation improves activation and connectivity in areas of the brain related to self-regulation.4 

Becoming aware of how many thoughts we have shows us how much our nervous system is holding.

Trust me, trying meditation for the first time can be a challenge! Whenever I would try to slow my system down, it would feel uncomfortable. 

But that’s what mindfulness is– learning to find comfort in the discomfort. 

So if you have young, screaming kids, or live near traffic, you may be used to all the sounds and chaos in your day-to-day. But learn to sit in stillness, and notice the sensations while being aware in your body. This is how you can perfect your meditation and mindfulness practice.

You are an empowered being, and you can learn to regulate in any system.

5. Nutrition and Taking Care of Your Body on the Inside

Our bodies live in a better state if we nourish them with healthy, whole foods.

Eating well is a crucial factor in helping achieve total nervous system regulation. 

Healthy dietary choices are shown to improve cognitive ability and create a positive environment for overall health.5  

Make sure to include nutrient-rich foods like berries, fruits, and vegetables in your daily diet. Omegas, B vitamins, Magnesium, Vitamin D, and Vitamin K are also essential.

And I can’t forget water! Stay hydrated to keep your body energized and empowered. 

The healthier I am with my food and eating habits, the more I notice the impact on my thoughts. When I eat well, my thinking is clearer and my body is more regulated.

Get Started With Nervous System Regulation! 

So now that you have the steps, it’s time to put them into action. Make a goal to commit to 10 minutes of each of these practices EVERY day. 

It could be 10 minutes to fill up your water and prep some food you know will help your body.

It could be 10 minutes to be with yourself to sit in stillness and observe your space.

It could be 10 minutes of exercise that you don’t normally do, or turning the shower to cold – both of which help you practice how to breathe through discomfort.

Whatever you choose, take 10 minutes from each step, and show up for yourself daily. 

This is my invitation for you to rise to the occasion. So you can teach your body how to live in regulation and feel supported no matter what life throws at you

As a holistic practitioner, health coach, and emotional intuitive, I guide my clients through achieving nervous system regulation, and so much more. 

Our bodies work so hard for us, but it can be difficult to take care of them when we’re busy working, leading, parenting, or running a business. Just remember, you deserve to feel empowered in your body and achieve greatness in your health and your life. 

That’s why I’d love for you to sign up for 1 on 1 coaching with me so I can help you reach your wellness goals. 

Or, get started FOR FREE with my free webinar on the Gut-Brain Connection, where you’ll learn how to heal your gut, reconnect with your body, and create lasting habits for optimal health. 

If you’re ready to take charge of your life and learn more about how you can achieve total body regulation, connect with me so I can help you get to the root of your problems. And don’t forget to check out my free webinar for instant access to some of my top recommendations on feeling like your healthiest self.

I’m looking forward to meeting you soon!



  1.  Ma X, Yue ZQ, Gong ZQ, Zhang H, Duan NY, Shi YT, Wei GX, Li YF. The Effect of Diaphragmatic Breathing on Attention, Negative Affect and Stress in Healthy Adults. Front Psychol. 2017 Jun 6;8:874. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00874. PMID: 28626434; PMCID: PMC5455070.

  1. Breit S, Kupferberg A, Rogler G, Hasler G. Vagus Nerve as Modulator of the Brain-Gut Axis in Psychiatric and Inflammatory Disorders. Front Psychiatry. 2018 Mar 13;9:44. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2018.00044. PMID: 29593576; PMCID: PMC5859128.

  1. Castro-Diehl C, Diez Roux AV, Redline S, Seeman T, McKinley P, Sloan R, Shea S. Sleep Duration and Quality in Relation to Autonomic Nervous System Measures: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA). Sleep. 2016 Nov 1;39(11):1927-1940. doi: 10.5665/sleep.6218. PMID: 27568797; PMCID: PMC5070747.

  1. Tang YY, Posner MI, Rothbart MK. Meditation improves self-regulation over the life span. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2014 Jan;1307:104-111. doi: 10.1111/nyas.12227. Epub 2013 Aug 22. PMID: 24033306; PMCID: PMC4176767.

  1. Gomez-Pinilla F, Gomez AG. The influence of dietary factors in central nervous system plasticity and injury recovery. PM R. 2011 Jun;3(6 Suppl 1):S111-6. doi: 10.1016/j.pmrj.2011.03.001. PMID: 21703566; PMCID: PMC3258094.

Watch Renee’s Video: 5 Easy Steps to Achieve TOTAL Nervous System Regulation

Can you regulate or reset your nervous system? Yes! Do these easy steps to achieve total nervous system regulation.


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